Monday, September 26, 2011

Furry Happy Monsters

I've simply gone feel good today. With R.E.M. deciding to call it a day I'm going back to one of their more entertaining performances. They did once say that they'd never perform this on live simply because they wouldn't have Kate Pierson performing with them, but somehow I think this will do.

"Furry Happy Monsters" which was performed with the Muppet crew is one of those that just makes me smile.

monsters having fun, happy, happy
see them jump and run, happy, happy
laughing all the while, cheerful, cheerful
flashing a big smile, that's a per-fect sign
that they're feelin' fine
furry happy monsters feeling glad
(furry happy monsters feeling glad)
furry happy monsters laughing

something has gone wrong, sighing, sighing
faces have turned long, crying, crying
hear them sob and whine, tearful, tearful
that's a real good sign that they're feelin' glum
sad, sad times have come

(same order as before)
furry sobbing monsters feeling sad
furry sobbing monsters feeling sad
furry sobbing monsters crying

"come on monsters, you don't have to cry!"
monsters: "no?"
"no! we can be happy!!!"

furry happy monsters feeling glad
furry happy monsters feeling glad
furry happy monsters laughing
furry sobbing monsters feeling sad
furry sobbing monsters feeling sad
furry sobbing monsters crying
(glad and laughing again)
monsters, happy monsters
monsters, happy monsters

It's as simple as saying, "we can be happy!!!" and that is all I really have to say about that.

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